About Us » Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision



At Vista Oaks, we will create a respectful learning environment where each student can reach his or her fullest potential through an individualized, standards-based educational program structured for student’s success.




Because we believe that every student can succeed, Vista Oaks Charter School will:
  • Provide each student with an engaging and relevant learning experience;
  • Incorporate rigorous educational opportunities that improve academic achievement;
  • Consider the unique learning style and needs of each student when planning his or her academic program;
  • Promote personal responsibility and ownership in planning for one’s future; and
  • Serve students with exemplary, dedicated teachers and staff



Means to Achieving Mission and Vision

Vista Oaks will provide the following to our students:

Provide each student with an engaging and relevant learning experience
  • A hybrid independent study program that offers on-line, on-site and independent study courses to meet each student’s unique needs
  • Provide access to the latest technology to enhance learning, including hands-on computer engineering classes, use of SMART Boards, and state of the art computer labs
  • Flexibility that allows older students to participate concurrently in R.O.P. and community college programs
Incorporate rigorous educational opportunities that improve academic achievement
  • Research-based intervention programs to help bridge academic deficiencies
  • Access to one-on-one and small group tutoring for both the struggling student and the student needing a challenge
  • Design instruction that ensures students are college and career ready by the end of high school
  • a-g approved courses for college-bound high school students
Consider the unique learning style and needs of each student when planning his or her individualized academic program
  • Upon enrollment, students complete thorough assessments to identify academic strengths and weaknesses
  • A personalized learning plan is developed for each student based on the assessment results, student’s goals and life circumstances
Promote personal responsibility and ownership in planning for one’s future
  • A flexible school day that considers each student’s personal obstacles without lowering the academic expectations
  • Personalized coaching and mentoring that supports each student on their path towards graduation and beyond
Serve students with exemplary, dedicated teachers and staff
  • Passionate, highly qualified teachers with a proven track record of success in alternative education
  • Subject matter specialists oversee curriculum offerings and support students at all levels
