FAQ: Enrolling at Vista Oaks
Below are the most common questions families ask when considering enrolling their child at Vista Oaks Charter School’s Homeschooling Academies. If you have other questions, or would like more information, please email us at [email protected] and someone will respond to your questions.
What makes Vista Oaks a great place for our family?
The Board of Directors and staff at Vista Oaks Charter School are dedicated to providing your child with a school that values his/her uniqueness. We show this commitment through:
- Hiring only the most knowledgeable and dedicated teachers
- Providing a generous “academic student budget” that allows for the individualization of each student’s learning
- Offering on-site enrichment classes for students in grades K - 8
- Offering on-site core classes for students in grades 9 - 12
- Committing to a quick turn-around on reimbursements and other needed office support
- Seeking parent/community input and involvement through various opportunities (Parent Advisory Committee, School Site Council, Board of Directors)
- A school leadership that sees you as an important part of the school
What counties does Vista Oaks serve?
Vista Oaks is sponsored by Byron Union District, which is in Contra Costa County. In accordance with the California State Department, Vista Oaks can serve students in the sponsored district as well as any neighboring counties. The following are is a list of counties that Vista Oaks serves.
- Contra Costa
- San Joaquin
- Alameda
- Sacramento
What about curriculum? Can we choose our own curriculum? Or are we required to use the school’s curriculum?
Yes, you may choose your own curriculum. While Vista Oaks has carefully chosen outstanding curriculum for its students to use, we also understand that what is good for one child’s success may not be the best choice for another. Our school allows for students to use the school’s curriculum, the curriculum of your choice, or a combination of both. (The school can only purchase non-sectarian/religious-based curriculum.)
Students who use the school’s curriculum will have access to pacing guides and additional support. This can be especially helpful to families who are new to homeschooling.
Regardless of which you choose, our staff is here to help and guide you through the sometimes overwhelming world of the many curriculum choices.
What about student budgets? Is there money set aside for curriculum, resources, materials, tutoring, and enrichment?
Yes, there is a “student academic budget” for our homeschooling families to use to purchase curriculum, resources, educational materials, tutoring, and enrichment activities. The Vista Oaks staff believes that it is important for your child to have a well-rounded education that is full of a variety of hands-on, engaging learning activities. Because we also believe that each child is unique, the school’s leadership and staff believe it is important for families to have choices in how to allocate this budget. The student’s teacher works with each family to help determine the best way to meet the student’s needs and provide for outstanding educational curriculum, resources, and opportunities.
What about vendors? Are there local vendors that our student can use for tutoring, instruction, or enrichment activities?
Yes, Vista Oaks has a growing list of vendors for students to access. Vendors provide services ranging from writing instruction workshops to piano lessons. Vendors on our “Approved Vendor List” have fingerprint clearance and an agreement to invoice the school directly for your child’s services, which means no out-of-pocket expense for the family. You can access the “Approved Vendor List” under the “Resources” tab. Once your child has enrolled, your teacher will go over the steps for using a vendor.
What if we want to use a vendor that is not on the school’s “Approved Vendors List?” Are we able to this?
Yes, your child is able to use vendors that are not on our “Approved Vendors List.” You will be responsible for paying the vendor and will then complete and submit a reimbursement form. Please be sure to follow the instructions given to you by your teacher to make sure your reimbursement will be approved with no complications.
How often are we required to meet our teacher? And, where are these meetings held?
The educational guidelines for independent study (which includes homeschooling) requires that a credentialed teacher meets with each student at least once every 20 school days. Therefore, this is what Vista Oaks requires. However, teachers are available throughout each school day and week to support, guide, teach, and serve as a resource to you and your child. Our staff is eager to provide what is needed so that your child can succeed! The meetings are held at a location determined by the teacher and the family.
Are K - 8 grade students required to attend enrichment classes and workshops?
No, the enrichment classes and workshops are not a requirement. The hope is that the enrichment classes will be a benefit to your child’s overall growth, but these are completely optional. If you are interested in having your child participate in one or more of the enrichment opportunities, talk to your child’s teacher.
Are high school students required to attend on-site core classes?
No, the high school on-site courses are meant to support and enhance their educational opportunities and are not a requirement. However, if you are interested in having your child participate in one or more of the high school courses, talk to your child’s teacher.
What are the required time for academics?
Students are expected to follow the state required guidelines for academic time. Your Advisor will work with you to create a schedule to meet those requirements. Click here for a link to the state instructional time requirements.
Is my child required to be vaccinated?
To be enrolled your child is not required to be up to date on their immunizations. To participate in onsite activities your child must be up to date on immunizations. Students receiving special education services can attend those services regardless of immunization status. Students who homeschool and do not attend onsite activities do not need to be current on their immunizations.
Will we get help and guidance when our child is preparing for the college application and admission process?
Yes, Vista Oaks Charter School is committed to helping you and your child navigate the complicated world of the college application and admission process. Beginning in 8th grade, the academic counselor will provide workshops and information to help you and your child prepare for a successful transition to high school. Throughout high school, the academic counselor will continue to provide the guidance needed to make sure your child succeeds during high school and beyond. Workshops, informational sessions, and one-on-one meetings will be offered throughout your child’s high school career.